Organic sector in China is still small and this fair too, but main companies of this sector attend it.... Ver más.
March 2014: Alimentaria, Barcelona
We were present at Olivaria Pavilion and Organic pavilion.... Ver más.
March 2014: Gourmet food show, Madrid
... Ver más.
February 2014: BIO FACH, Nuremberg
Once more, we exhibited at Biofach, where we met our existing customers and new ones.... Ver más.
October 2013: Soler Romero at ANUGA (Koln, Germany)
Soler Romero in the organic hall of Anuga.... Ver más.
September 2013: Soler Romero in Helsinki, in a fair organized by Heinon Tukku
Soler Romero was present in the fair organized by Heinon Tukku, one of our customers.... Ver más.